ICS Syllabus
The ICS syllabus for its Professional Qualifying Examinations (PQE) is designed to examine students on a wide range of commercial shipping activity.
Group 1 - Compulsory Papers
These papers are compulsory because they represent the fundamental underpinnings of all activity within the commercial shipping industry. Shipping Business must be taken within your first year of study:
- Introduction to Shipping
- Legal Principles in Shipping Business
- Economics of Sea Transport & International Trade
- Shipping Business
Group 2 - Optional Papers
Optional papers cover a wide range of practical shipping disciplines in considerable detail:
- Dry Cargo Chartering
- Ship Operations & Management
- Ship Sale & Purchase
- Tanker Chartering
- Liner Trades
- Port Agency
- Logistics & Multi-modal Transport
- Port & Terminal Management
- Offshore Support Industry
- Shipping Law
- Marine Insurance
- Shipping Finance